Thursday, March 6


I would have written more last night, but these notes only hold 5000 letters. Sad, huh? Well, today I'll start out with what immediatly comes to mind: rehearsal, but that's problably because I'm listening to the music right now. Anyways, when we were running the "Happiness" song and we got to the part where I'm supposed to hug Matt or something, he hugs me. Everytime that we did that part in the song, I couldn't stop giggling. Then he asked me if I would do that in the real production or not. I couldn't decide. He's such a nice guy. Oh, we were also missing Ester and the cd music for the first couple of run throughs, so I went and played the piano. I really played bad. It was awful. But Chase, as usual, when we finally got the cd out, said," And let's have a big hand for our piano player, Lisa." I was so embarassed!

Today after first period, we were in the computer lab, I was walking around up stairs to get to my 2nd period class, and I saw Laurie and Matt talking by Mrs. Christiansen's room. Laurie has her for Spanish and Math, and Matt has Mr. Butler for math. Laurie told me this: she and Matt used to come out of first period and yell "YEAH" and give each other hard high fives, but now they just do little fives, and they stand there talking for more time. Laurie told me in Science that she likes Matt, too. Then at lunch, Emily and I got our lunch really fast and went to our table. Matt was there, and he was like,"Where's Laurie? I need some of her lunch to last through 5th period." When she finally got there and gave him some lunch, he gave her a hug of friendship, you know, like,"thanks" and afterwards Laurie would not stop freaking out about how he had hugged her! I thought that that was hilaria. Also today in rehearsal, Corinne who is our choreographer, gave us duct tape to tape our mouths shut so that she would be able to think. When Laurie and I took it off, we were so sticky that we went and got water from my waterbottle to wash it off. Sad, huh?

Last night at mutual, I did announce that Lakeridge is doing Charley Brown and that people could come to me if they wanted tickets. We did Personal Progress, but before we left, I could not find my book! I looked everywhere that I thought it would be, and I found Teri's, but I just couldn't remember where I had put it. So, I just left without it. Then, I asked Sister Breiter if I could have the old Medallions if I finished the old Personal Progress Program. She said that I could, but she wasn't sure how long she would have the leftover Young Women Medallions. So, I started looking at my old book yesterday, and I've already started some projects. Cool, huh? One of them is to write in my journal everyday for two weeks to finish the end of this sentence," I feel good about myself when I..." So, I'm going to finish it right now. I feel good about myself when I make others cheerful.

Anyways, in history we went to the math lab today to type up our bills. I got mine all typed up and was just getting ready to print it when the bell rang. I was going to wait after the bell for it to print out, but the printer was having problems, so I'm going to go in tomorrow and finish it. It did turn out to be two whole pages! I'm so proud of myself!

I can't believe it. Today, I only have art homework, and science homework, if I choose to do either of them. I am so amazed.

Today in science I really started to get confused, and getting confused makes me mad, or sad; I don't know which. Well, that continued on through my clothing class. I was in such a bad mood by the time I got out of there that I was hardly talking or making any responses to anything. I felt really bad because I think that I might have hurt Emily's feelings. That makes me sad when I make other people not cheerful, just the opposite of cheerful.

Well, I'm going to go and work on something else right now, so I'm closing out. Bye.

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