Wednesday, February 23

"I might be pregnant..."

Those were the words in a note that a friend wrote to me today. (haha - scared ya there for a minute, huh?!?!) *clears throat* anyways... I've decided a lot of things lately based on this note. Here are a few:
  • people are dumb
  • emotions are feelings, NOT facts
  • people are dumb because of their emotions
  • some people have dumb obsessions because of their emotions
  • these dumb obsessions can lead to STUPID actions
  • those stupid actions include having sex and getting pregnant before you're married
  • when someone tells you to break off a relationship that they know AND YOU KNOW is getting bad/too serious, YOU SHOULD BREAK IT OFF BEFORE those stupid actions come into play!!
  • relationships are so not worth it: staying single is better, and

Yeah, well, enough about the stupid and worthless game of "love"... So, I was gonna write a whole lot more of the rest of the things that I've decided lately, but time restricts and it must wait until the next time I get the opportunity to get on a computer with complete and absolute privacy... grrr....


Cam Cam said...

I understand where you're coming from, I've been aquanted with people who have had a lot worse problems with chastity than just sex (It's confusing) and the only other person on blag that knows about it is mette. It's something that happened to my ex-girlfriend, if you need someoen to rant to let me know

Shamae. said...

Yah, man. My best friend got prego. She IS prego. and she's okay with it now, but she was ashamed and didn't tell me.

At least you have a friend that trusts you with something like this. Yah, you can talk to me about this too. if you need. or feel the urge.

that lisa girl said...

hey shmoo, was that robyn? cuz someone told me she was pregnant. I don't really know, and I don't want to have false facts. so...yeah.

Shamae. said...

Yah it is Robyn! She is prego. She just had her baby shower or is going to this week. sometime real soon. I forgot she's like, in your ward, huh?

Shexpeare said...

bleh blah bloh blew........

If you need someone to rant to- just let me know as well. People are dumb. Just dumb.

Alex Sousa said...

Are we talkin' Robyn Hall here? Because I saw her (a very pregnant her) the other day

that lisa girl said...

yes yes, she's in my ward. and yes yes, it's robyn hall. but I haven't seen her in like, forever! crazy... :P

Shamae. said...


Shamae. said...


that lisa girl said...

...I love you Holly :D mwa!