Wednesday, July 6

scared out of my wits

I had just woken up this morning and was lying in bed listening to music on my radio, when I heard a knock on my front door. I peeked out my window (just to left of the door) and the first thing I see is a cop car parked in the street and 2 cops standing on my front step!

Holy ship, I have never been that scared in my entire life. I jumped out of bed and dressed as fast as I could, all the while half expecting the cops to burst into my room, guns blazing, to arrest me from what happened down at the lake the other day.

But it never happened. They never came into my room or even asked for my name. And I think I prefer it that way. Instead, shockingly, they asked for my youngest sister, Marci, all because her best "friend" called the cops on her for "calling her house too much and breaking into her email account and changing the password, blah blah", when in actuality on some days she calls our house every five minutes asking if Marci's home yet, and back during the school year it was her breaking into Marci's locker and stealing stuff and leaving cuss messages, etc...

Quite frankly, I don't even know why Marci's stayed friends with her for this long. Well, okay, Marci's written her off at least twice and told her that she doesn't want to be friends anymore, but somehow or another, they always get back together again, only to go through another hate war over and over. I just don't get it. People are dumb.


Rachy Rach said...

Hehehehehe, actually, I think that's funnie, with an ie. But you should've said that the cops DID burst into your room with guns blazing, just because that would be a lot more interesting. ;)

Shamae. said...

what did you do at the lake?!?!

that lisa girl said...

heh heh heh... well now, that's for me to know. and other people to know. who were with me. cuz I was driving them around. and we buried stuff in the ground while fighting off a huge army of mosquitoes. *gives disgusted look* hey man, you weren't supposed to say that! I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself, gosh!! *shoves roughly* you're so dumb- I mean, look you're even talking to yourself; sheesh! *shoves back; akward pause* ....shut up man.

*clears throat* anyways... :D :D