Thursday, November 18

the first

well peoples, i've finally gotten around to making one of these freaking cool blog sites! i'm happy, my conscious is happy to have finally gotten this off of my list of things to do before Shamae leaves, and you should be happy too! yay.


Shamae. said...

I want to know exactly what's on this list.

that lisa girl said...

ok ok, but I hafta find it first.... hehehe!

that lisa girl said...

so hold on a minute

that lisa girl said...

... or maybe... a few hours....?

that lisa girl said...

nonono, it'll prolly be a couple a days

Shamae. said...

a couple days?! come ON!

that lisa girl said...

heh heh heh...

that lisa girl said...

ok ok, I think I've finally settled down enough to find that list. (it got lost in my head... hehe) so, here it be:

~make a freakin cool blog
~hang out more often
~go billboard sitting with Whitney Chestnut and maybe lots of other random peoples
~hang out more often
~go to THE HOUSE
~hang out more often
~stay for a whole session of resident evil playing
~hang out more often
~sit in Tasha's room and make it MORE CLEAN
~hang out more often
~watch more movies at the Hoff's house in a pile on their couch
~hang out more often
~go shopping for totally wicked shirts in the little boys section at Target
~hang out more often
~go on a date with you
~hang out more often
~get a full-fledged head massage
~hang out more often
~listen to your funk rock band and maybe possibly step in as a vocal
~hang out more often
~write a story about how you got to be my biggest and most bestest hero ever
~write a song about how you got to be my biggest and most bestest hero ever
~oh, and did I mention HANG OUT MORE FREAKIN OFTEN??!?!?!?!?!!!

well, that's all that I can remember at the moment, so... yeah. but I will prolly remember others in time, so I might just randomly put other stuff in here somewheres... teehee!! lovies!

Shamae. said...

interesting... How much got done?

that lisa girl said...

only three of them. gosh, we have a lot to do when you come in February!! hehehe :D

that lisa girl said...

oh, I forgot one: go to sonic and order two pickles and a straw

....and I'll prolly remember more as life goes on... prolly