Saturday, May 28


You Are Catwoman

"Life's a bitch. Now so am I."

What Superheroine Are You?

*hysterically laughs* AAHAHAHAHHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAAAAHA hahhahahaaahaha ahahaha heheheheeeheheheeee..... *clears throat*'s so true


thesexyswede said...

LISA!!! I'm so so soooooo sorry that I wasn't home! oh geeeze I had to go to the bank in the morning to set up an account and I was there until like 1 and by the time I got home and called you to see if you were still wanting to go job hunting your sister said that you had already gone..*deep breath*...and I couldn't get ahold of you because you didn't have a cell phone, and I tried to text marisa to see if she was with you but if she was I never found out because I didn't get a message back...:(:(:( forgive me man I feel horrible.

that lisa girl said...

man, you are FORGIVEN! I efffing love you! we'll just have to go another time :D

Whitney Lynn said...

holy crap lisa u must look like super seductive in all that leather no j/k i freakin miss u lisa you should maybe call me sometime serious well catch ya later