Wednesday, October 5


Oh I so happy! Going to Shakespeare tomorrow!! Yes. Sooooo goo-! Wow. I am so excited I don't know what to write. Such exhileration. *pauses* *doobie* ...And down to my point: why I like Shakespeare!! wOOt. K, here goes:

Shakespeare, one of the greatest playwrights in the world- this weekend celebrated by hundreds of high school students coming together in one city to compete by performing his works. Excitement fills my veins knowing that I will be one of them, one of the many people competing for glory in Shakespeare's world, performing my heart out for so many others to see. But Shakespeare isn't all of it... is it? There are so many reasons for going down there, and Shakespeare is only ONE of them...

One reason I do go down there is for the shows that we see. Ahhh, the shows... They are totally awesome down in Cedar City!! Last year I totally went down again to see Macbeth AGAIN after we got back with the english students and whatnot. It was awesome! Plus to get to see different people's interpretations of Shakespeare's works during the rounds is cool too- it gives insight sometimes that I most likely haven't thought of before... Man, we ROCK! Like, everyone who goes there to perform Shakespeare!! wOOt.

One of my favorite reasons for going down to Cedar City during Shakespeare is that I get to spend a whole 3 days with cool people, such as my friends (both actors AND techies!! whoooo!)- that means you guys. You rawk my world! I love you, SO HARD!! And being with cool people for that long of time makes me so happy! *sigh* ...So goo-! Ahhhh... I'm still so excited for tomorrow!!

But, I think that my most favorite or maybe second favorite (I can't decide between this reason or the one mentioned above) reason for going down there is so that I can get away- get away from this hell-hole known as Orem, Utah. The city, the landscape, the school, the people, the consistant Mormonists... they all get so bland and annoying ALL THE TIME! Going down to Cedar City gets me away from everything and everyone that I need that break from, and I love it lots. It's one of my favorite excuses for getting out of the house!! DUH! I love SHAKESPEARE!! Plus the fact that I absolutely LOVE everyone that DOES go down to Shakespeare only makes things SO MUCH BETTER!! WHOOOOOOOO!



thesexyswede said...

lisa! sooo goo-! i love us shakespeare was a blast

Noelle said...

:( I wanna go

that lisa girl said...

go tomorrow noelle!! it's freak awesome, even though it's only for one day! I wish I could go again... that would be cool.

duh, and the foreigner and pippin are now 2 of my favorite shows on the planet!! I wish I could go and see the other one... all's well that ends well? is that it?? just to see what it's like or if it's as good

duh, I love us too jessy, I love us too! and I still say that you and me and brett and whoever else need to have a movie night or something like that... yes. cuz I liked him, and I'd like to get to know him more. ...don't take that the wrong way, cuz it's not meant to be like that... yes. I'm gonna stop talking now *doobie*