Sunday, March 23


Things have been so hectic lately. This week my schedule is terrible. Tomorrow is ok, Tuesday is just the same, Wednesday is awful. First I have rehearsal right after school until 6:30, and then I have Mutual at 7:00, plus I have to get over there early to set up my art stuff for the Variety night. On Thursday at 2:00 I have an orthodontist appointment, and then my SLCs at 3:30, and then the play at 5:30 until it's over. K, I just realized that I don't have school on Friday because of SLCs! That just made my day!! But then I have the play from 5:30 until it's over. On Saturday I have the play from 12:30 until it's over, and then I have it again from 5:30 until it's over. Exciting, huh? Not really.

In clothing I have had enough time lately to do just about anything. I made a log cabin pillowcase for my body pillow in class. That's a lot of extra time, don't you think? Then this weekend I made myself a shirt top thing out of polar fleece. Cool, huh?

My face has been extremely dry too. Mom got Kristi and me a face cleanser stuff that makes my face flake like nothing else. It's awful. It also makes my face itch and hurt at the same time. It's a really weird sensation and it's uncomfortable, but hey, most of my zits are going away. My moustashe is getting really out of hand, too.

Yesterday when I was vacuuming my bedroom the vacuum quit on me. I think that I ruined its plug. Oh, well.

On Friday last week dad went ice fishing. I wanted to go with him because it was a day off of school, plus I haven't gone ice fishing yet this year. He went down to fish lake. I'm jealous. I didn't go because we had rehearsal, on our day off of school! How retarded, huh?

My mouth hurts. My gums on my left side of my mouth are growing over top of my braces or something, and it's been hurting me like nothing else these last few days. My hands are dry too. My leg is getting better, though. I need to shave my arm pits, too.

Mom took me pants shopping yesterday. I was surprised to find that stores still sell pants that are not low riders. I got two pairs of pants and a pair of jeans capris. I like them a lot. The pair that I really like I wanted more of, but that was the only pair that they had. Mom couldn't find another pair that was the same size. Oh well. At least now I have something to wear that's not holy.

I got a new part in the play. It's the part of Lucy in the Glee Club song. I like it, but I haven't told anyone else in my family yet. I wonder what their reaction will be when they find out. I got Lucy, and Krystan Perez got Linus's part. I think that it will be really funny. Krystan's normally really obnoxious, but funny all of the time. I like him. He's cool, even if I don't show him that I think that. I don't like my character throughout the play, though. Melissa wants me to be more bratty, and that was kind of like my initial character, but it hasn't been recently until Melissa came back from California. Oh, well.

Oh, also, you know how Krystan takes my pencil? Well, I changed my security item for the blanket dance to be a pencil, the same one that he takes!! It all makes sence to me, but most other people don't get it. It's like my pencil is my best friend, and then Krystan takes it and it makes me mad! It all makes sence to me.

I also got done with my personal progress thing where I had to write in my journal. Now I have to exersice and think about the scripture 1Corinthians 3:16 I think it was. It's about how my body is God's temple and I have to respect that. Cool, huh?

Well, I have to be able to wake up in the morning, so I had better get to bed

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